What is Albert Einstein's IQ?

What is Albert Einstein's IQ?

Albert Einstein's IQ is calculated between 160 and 180, a score that places it in the genius zone. Although Einstein was never subjected to an IQ test, experts estimated his score based on historical and biographical data.

In this article we present some details of the life of Albert Einstein that you probably did not know, and that we are sure will change the way you see life.

It is important for you to know that Albert Einstein's legacy does not only include scientific theories.

Every aspect of Einstein's life is full of ideas, reflections, and experiences that inspire us to change and seek success. Not for nothing are we talking about who was possibly the man dedicated to science most famous in the history of mankind.

Albert Einstein broke paradigms:

He was a man with such a high intelligence and level of understanding and analysis that he could explain very complex physical phenomena with simple words and in a timely manner.

Passing on knowledge is very important, and Einstein is a great example of this.

Einstein used to say:

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein

If you could get a copy of his original article published in 1905, about relativity, you would understand what I mean:

  • His publication has a simple and easy-to-understand wording.
  • The equations he uses are mostly algebra. Equations that any average college kid can understand.

Albert Einstein's goal was never to elaborate a complicated mathematical theory, quite the contrary. He was a fan of visual / spatial analysis and lateral thinking.

He always carried out mental experiments trying to find the why of things, until he visualized his ideas and identified the physical principles of phenomena with total clarity.

Albert Einstein holding a brain

If it hasn't been clear to you by now how fantastic Albert Einstein was, let me tell you that we haven't even started. I have so much to tell you, that without a doubt, this article will fall short.

How was Albert Einstein's childhood?

Next I will describe data that perhaps you did not know about the childhood of the most famous and admired scientist of the 20th century:

  • Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany.
  • He was born with a much larger head than the average newborn, which is why he was already observed differently.
  • In his early years he was very attracted to games that required his concentration and above all his patience, which made him an isolated and silent child.
  • He began to speak from the age of 3, which is why his parents thought that he would have a retardation problem.
  • As the first sign of his curiosity, Einstein at the young age of 4, was enchanted with a compass given by his father; and fascinated to see how something so small and seemingly so simple can find north and south in an instant.
  • When he was already 11 years old, Einstein met the greats of mathematics, and that is how in a short time he discovered his attraction to Algebra and addiction to solving mathematical problems in general.
  • He learned to play the violin.
  • He was not a good student in Languages. However, he was excellent in natural science.
  • Before reaching the age of 15, he had mastered integral and differential calculus to perfection.
  • He was a difficult student due to the rejection he had towards how inflexible and authoritarian education was at that time. Reasons why, he left school at 15 years old.

As you may have noticed, Albert Einstein already showed flashes of greatness since he was still little.

And despite being born in a time when it was still very difficult to conceive the nature of genius, Einstein began his experiments with only 16 years old, asking as many questions as he could and mentally imagining endless theories. This habit led him to create the most revolutionary equation in modern physics.

Albert Einstein in his childhood

How was Albert Einstein's IQ calculated, if he was already dead?

Many articles on the internet respond to the keyword “iq by Albert Einstein”. However, most of these articles are based on speculation, as no one can affirm Einstein's IQ with certainty, since a formal intelligence test was never applied to him, despite the fact that at that time intelligence tests were already being applied in schools and universities.

Over the years, psychology professionals have devised methods to calculate the IQ of deceased people or that they have never had a formal IQ test. It is worth mentioning that these methods can only be applied to famous or recognized people, whose trajectory has a massive historical record of their lives, investigations, speeches, etc.

An example of this are the IQ estimates that has been done to historical figures such as Galileo Galilei, Beethoven, Albert Einstein himself, among others.

For this, different factors for calculating the IQ are taking in consideration, like:

  • Records of behaviors in his youth.
  • Investigations that third parties conducted about their lives.
  • Ways to think.
  • Achievements.

In addition, according to historical data, Albert Einstein would have obtained very high scores in exams of spatial reasoning. This was supported years after his death after conducting studies on his body. Well, dissections performed on his brain were found to have a significantly larger area than average. This area was responsible for the three-dimensional visualization.

Let's add to all the evidence, the doctorates in physics and mathematics that he had. Since those who are creditors of such titles are usually people with a high level of mathematical, verbal and spatial intelligence.

Boy dressed as Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein in politics

Einstein was never loyal to a single ideology. He was always a free thinker, whose ideas did not fit any political prospect.

Einstein was a staunch pacifist who always declared himself against wars and everything related to militarism. With the exception of the fight against Hitler, because in that context he declared that it was a totally justified war.

Although Albert Einstein never intended to belong to a political group, finding himself immersed in the context of the first world war, he ended up becoming a member of the German Democratic Party. Title that did not last long, as he did not hesitate to put on the table his disagreement with certain military initiatives against rebels by refusing to sign a manifesto that implied full support for the Kaiser of Germany.

In future interviews Albert Einstein stated the following:

It is incredible what Europe has unleashed with this madness. (…)
In these moments one realizes how absurd the animal species to which one belongs is. Albert Einstein

Years later and with the expansion of Nazi power, Einstein decides to leave Germany and that is how he arrived in the United States.

Despite being far from his native Germany, the harassment persisted. They even managed to arrest a man who was presumably planning his murder.

A group was also formed that later published a book entitled: “100 Authors Against Einstein”. Event that Albert Einstein took calmly answering the following:

Why a hundred? If I was wrong, just one would suffice. Albert Einstein

Another important political event in Albert Einstein's life was the offer to be President of Israel.

In 1952, after the death of Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, who was a close friend of Einstein, Israel's ambassador to the United States invites Albert Einstein to assume the presidency of his country, offer that was rejected with the following words:

I am deeply moved by the offer of the State of Israel and at the same time saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it. All my life I have dealt with objective matters, so I lack the natural aptitude and experience to deal properly with people and to perform official functions. I am the most distressed by these circumstances, because my relationship with the Jewish people has become my strongest human bond, ever since I became fully aware of our precarious situation among the nations of the world. Albert Einstein

True to his convictions and ideas, and terrified of all that the First World War had left behind, Einstein promotes the creation of the Russel-Einstein Manifesto, document that invokes the entire scientific community to unite in favor of the conservation of humanity and protection of the environment, having as its main point to address the disappearance of nuclear weapons.

The Russel-Einstein Manifesto was a key piece for the subsequent creation of the Pugwash conferences creditors to Nobel Peace Prize in 1955.

Such international conferences were held in order to deal with topics such as:

  • Population growth
  • Nuclear disarmament
  • Social responsibility on the part of the scientific community
  • Environmental deterioration
  • Economic development
Albert Einstein receiving an award

As you may have noticed, Albert Einstein was not only a physics genius, it was also a convinced pacifist, who never declined to his ideals and always sought in his own way the reconciliation of nations. Well, until today the Pugwash conferences they are being carried out in favor of humanity and the environment.

Albert Einstein's contributions to everyday life

In case you didn't know, our life would be very different if Albert Einstein had not been born.

Every day we use technologies and gadgets that would not exist had it not been for the ingenuity of this man:

Below I describe 4 of the Albert Einstein's contributions to our daily lives:

1. GPS navigators

Although Einstein was not the CEO of a software company responsible for the development of GPS applications, much less was he involved in the approach to the algorithm on which these applications work, he did have a lot to do with the accuracy that GPS provides us today in day.

Albert Einstein published in 1915 the theory of relativity, in which it explains within many other phenomena the why are the satellites' clocks ahead.

But, how does the advancement of satellite clocks affect the accuracy of GPS applications? Here we explain it to you:

All GPS navigators, including the famous Google Maps, They base their algorithm on measuring the distance from any point on Earth to some of the many satellites that orbit our planet. To measure this distance, the time it takes for the signal emitted by the satellite to reach the receiver is calculated.

Since satellite clocks have been shown to be 38,000 nanoseconds ahead, the algorithms that determine distance take into account some advance in their algorithms.

As minimal as 32,000 nanoseconds may seem, they mean a lot. Well, if not taken into account, the GPS systems would make mistakes of several kilometers.

GPS navigators

2. Laser devices

Lasers have become essential in our lives. In fact, they have been used on a daily basis, and perhaps you did not know it.

Here are some of the most common uses of lasers:

  • Telecommunications: Fiber optic data transmission systems base their operation on lasers.
  • Medicine: In eye operations, when removing kidney stones, when removing tumors, skin surgeries, etc.
  • Industry: In the exact measurement of distances, cutting and guiding of machinery.
  • Civil Engineering: In surveying, to guide tunnel boring machines.
  • Cosmetic treatments: In hair removal, acne, cellulite and stretch marks.
  • Archeology: It allows you to map huge areas in moments.

Now that you have an idea of ​​how indispensable laser technology has become in our lives, I present to you who is responsible:

Albert Einstein, who in 1917 laid the foundations for the development and evolution of laser technology when he publishes his stimulated emission theory.

Laser pointers

3. Photoelectric cells

The phenomenon of photoelectric cells was discovered and later described for the first time by Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist with a well-known career at the time.

However, it was Albert Einstein who in 1905 published his article: "Heuristics of the generation and conversion of light", where he related the photoelectric effect with light and with the emission of electricity, defining certain premises:

  • Light is also a source of energy just like wind or hydro power.
  • Light is emitted in photons, which are small packets that cannot be divided.
  • When photons collide with other materials, they cause some electrons to jump.
  • If such an event is repeated continuously, what we know as electrical energy would be generated.

Such statements led us to conclude 2 things:

  • Light behaves like tiny particles at times.
  • The aforementioned particles are capable of interacting with matter generating visible phenomena on it.

But what is the use of knowing all this?

The photoelectric effect is present in many places. It is much more everyday than you imagine.

Here are some common uses of photoelectric cells:

  • Cell phone camera.
  • Breathalyzers.
  • Ink regulators for printers.
  • Automatic lighting of lights in parks and gardens.

Although the most important use of the photoelectric effect are solar panels. Since, through the solar panels, what is written by Albert Einstein is applied in the cleanest way possible:

Converting light into electricity by efficiently collecting photons to point them towards a material that will eventually generate electrical energy.

Solar panels

4. Stock market movement

How is it possible that Albert Einstein has contributed to the development of formulas that are used in stock markets?

Although it seems incredible, it is true:

Einstein paid close attention to the Fluctuation and Dissipation Theorem, originally formulated by Harry Nyquist.

But what is this theorem about ?

The fluctuation-dissipation theorem is based on the assumption that the response of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium to the application of a small force is the same as its response to a spontaneous fluctuation.
Therefore, the theorem connects the linear response relaxation of a system from a prepared non-equilibrium state with its properties of statistical fluctuation at equilibrium. Often times, the linear response takes the form of one or more exponential decays. Wikipedia, 2021

In short, the Fluctuation and Dissipation Theorem pretends to explain the way we can predict the behavior of classical or quantum systems that obey a detailed balance.

Now that we understand a little more what such a theorem consists of, I can tell you how it intervenes Albert Einstein and his article on the Brownian movement.

As we have described previously, Albert Einstein had the ability to come up with many theories through his imagination.

This is how Einstein puts his attention on the Fluctuation and Dissipation Theorem and provides us with a new perspective relating it to the motion of the particles observed years ago by Robert Brown.

It is worth mentioning that Robert Brown was able to observe the moving particles inside pollen grains suspended in the water. However, he was not able to explain the mechanisms that cause this movement.

Going back to the above, Albert Einstein in his article on the Brownian movement published in 1905, it explains using the Fluctuation and Dissipation Theorem the mechanism that generates the movement of particles in a fluid medium.

Years later, it is discovered that the movements of the particles explained by Einstein are very similar to the changes in prices in the stock markets.

Since such an analogy was identified, Einstein's formulas have begun to be used in the prediction of economic behavior.

Stock markets

How to be smarter, according to Albert Einstein?

In addition to being a man well known for his intelligence, Albert Einstein stood out for his high predisposition to change and ability to learn, qualities that were perhaps the secret of his high IQ.

Einstein used to say:

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Albert Einstein

In other words, change leads us to growth and consequently, that growth makes us smarter:

Human beings are trained to be successful in any area, through change and expansion.

So, being willing to change helps to leverage the expansion of our mind and obtain as a result the generation of more and better ideas and solutions.

Below I describe 4 tips that you should take into account to promote change in your life and increase your IQ:

1. Improve your relationship with your parents.

The first thing you must achieve to start the change, is achieve a good relationship with your parents, Well, this allows the expansion of our consciousness.

No matter what has happened in the past, we must know how to forgive and strengthen family ties.

Hug between father and son

2. Start doing tech fasts.

It is necessary that we begin to train our mind so that it has total control over our body, and not the other way around.

A good strategy to recover the control of mind over body It is through the fasts. And I don't mean not having breakfast or the like.

We can include in our routine a technological fast. That is, put aside social networks and cell phones in general. A healthy diet is also very helpful.

Technological fast

3. Read and live many experiences.

In addition to being a very good alternative for your leisure time, reading has other benefits, such as:

  • Increase the ability to concentrate.
  • Learn by reading. This generates new topics of conversation, which favors social relationships.
  • Reduce stress.

Charlie Tremendous Jones used to say:

You will be the same person today, as you will be in five years, except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charlie Tremendous Jones

Take a risk and seek new experiences. Don't be afraid of failure, it is part of growth and innovation.

Live new experiences

4. Look at the glass as half full and not half empty.

We must get used to always seeing the profit instead of the gap.

You can do a little exercise to start seeing life from an optimistic perspective:

  • Go back 5 years and start taking note of everything you have achieved, I am sure it will make you reflect.
Glass half full or half empty

Now that you know a little more about the most famous genius of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, his legacy and ideals, you may be wondering the following:

If you are curious about know how smart you are , you must find out your Intelligence quotient. For this you can take our IQ test online and know your results immediately.

Do you dare to discover your IQ today?

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